- This channel is for Heavy Metal (as the name implies). All genres of real metal are welcome. While I don't mind occational non-metal music, absolutely no mallcore allowed. If you request it in this channel, you will be kicked and banned if you keep doing it. You can have it but don't advertise it here. See the FAQ page for more infomation.
- No porn or warez in the channel. There are plenty of places for that.
- No fighting among members. While a sensible debate is heathly, flame wars will be crushed. If you must fight, do it in a private message. And don't ask me to ban someone just because you hate them. I don't have the time nor energy to get involved in personal battles.
- No racism or name calling. We are all metalheads here (I hope).
- No advertising of web sites or other channels unless its part of a conversation. Spammers will be stomped into a red sticky paste.
- List are prefer over Fserves but are allowed. FTP are generally discouraged.
- No ratio sites. This is a leecher channel and no ratio is required.
- No guess nicks. I want people to know each other and form a community of metalheads.
- Obey the OPs. They enforce the rules so listen to them.
- No flooding. Don't paste multiple lines of requests. That could flood people off and that wouldn't make anyone happy. Also, no ::INFO:: allowed. Anything after the ".mp3" in the request is unneeded.
- Only OPs or voiced nicks can send channel notices. Any others might be treated as spam by protection scripts.
- Do not demand something in the channel. We are share our file because we want too. If you make demands, you WILL get what you deserve.
- Don't feed the animals. They can and will bite.