FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions

Anwsers to questions you might have.

  • Q. Why are you making a FAQ?
    A. Because I want too. Actually, to explain common questions that people might have instead of having it asked over and over again. Also, to inform people what the channel is about.
  • Q. Why did you create the #HeavyMetal-mp3 channel?
    A. I want to promote real heavy metal. Unfortunately, most people get rarely exposed to metal, if at all. I want to change that.
  • Q. what is the difference between metal and heavy metal?
    A. heavy metal is the original term. It got shortened to just metal like rock and roll is often refer as rock. As for the difference in the gernes of metal, it is too complex for the scope of this faq. It will be on the essay page.
  • Q. What makes a band heavy metal?
    A. In short, they must play heavy metal. Seriously, heavy metal is differcult to describle in a few short words. I'll go in more detail in the essay page.
  • Q. Once a band is labled heavy metal, is it always?
    A. No. Band can and do change styles. For example, Metallica started as thrash but drifted away from that and became more hard rock.
  • Q. If a band jumps genres, do they get put them in different sections of the music store?
    A. They should, otherwise the section labels are meaningless (they are for the most part anyway).
  • Q. Define sellout?
    A. A band sellout if they follow the simple formulas of the record labels just to make money. They become a caricature of themselves. There is nothing wrong with making money, but it is bad when it sacifies the music.
  • Q. If a band sellsout are they no longer HM?
    A. Not always, but often are.
  • Q. What are mallcore?
    A. Mallcore are bands that combines hardcore with hip-hop. Their fans often hangs out at malls, hence the name mallcore. Sometimes called rapcore or nu-metal (should be un-metal), these bands have nothing to do with metal. Example are KoRn, LiMp BizKiT, LiNKin PaRk, KiD RocK, etc.
  • Q. What are the "@" and "+" symbols in front of some people nicks?
    A. the "@" denotes the channel operators (OPs) while "+" are people with voices.
  • Q. Ok, what are channel operators?
    A. They "operate" the channel. They enforce the rules and have the power to kick people from the channel or ban them from entering the channel. So it is a good idea not to get them angry.
  • Q. What about voiced nicks?
    A. Normally, people with voices can talk in channel that are set to moderated. However, mp3 channels use it to indicate people who share music.
  • Q. How do I become a "+" or a "@"?
    A. To get voiced (+), serve heavy metal in the channel. If your script sends slots info, the you get voiced automatically. If it don't send slots (if you turned it off), then an OP will give you voice when they see your sharing ad. To be an OP, the very least you must be in the channel for several weeks, show decent knowledge of metal, have a GPA of 3.0+, know the rules, be courteous to the  poor masses, not afraid to take responsiblity, etc. The founder has final say (of course). Don't demand OPs, it will come to those that deserve it.
  • Q. What is hammering or slamming and why is it bad?
    A. Its pasting multiple of requests at once. It is inconsiderate and could freeze their irc client for a few seconds or even flood them off the irc server (disconnection) . The delay is very annoying when chatting and getting disconnected even more so. Such behavor is extremely frown upon.
  • Q. Who is robo-beast and why does he keeps changing his nick and keeps leaving and joining the channel?
    A. robo-beast is an anti-spam bot (robot). He is a script that hunts for those annoying spammers and kick/ban them from the channel. Don't message him because he might think you are a scummy spammer and ban you. He bites.

More FAQs forthcoming